Here I show you how to wallpaper furniture by upcycling an old IKEA mirror.
Upcycling with wallpaper is a cheap and affordable way to dramatically transform furniture in your home. It’s a simple way to add a pop of colour and pattern to something plain and make it a lot more interesting.
Wallpaper is great for turning the mundane into something rather more awesome. It’s a cheap and easy way to get that designer look.
Also, wallpaper is easy to change when you feel like something different and it’s wipeable. One of the easiest ways to upcycle furniture is with wallpaper. Especially IKEA furniture, like this IKEA Hemnes hack.
In the past, I’ve used wallpaper to decoupage a tabletop and to make a wallpapered kitchen backsplash. I’ve even created a dramatic entrance to my home by transforming my stairs with Marimekko.
The IKEA Mirror Hack
We only have one full-length mirror in the house it’s an old IKEA one and it hangs on the wall at the bottom of the loft stairs in the landing.
The mirror is there so everyone in the house can easily access it. I often find one of the young men in my family preening themselves in front of the mirror.
The second reason the mirror is there is that I won’t have any mirrors in the bedroom. From growing up in Hong Kong, I’m very familiar with the Chinese art of placement, Feng Shui.
Even though Feng Shui is pseudoscience,, many rules make sense to me. It’s all about the feel of a room and energy flow, and one of the principles of Feng Shui is not to have any big mirrors in the bedroom.
The IKEA mirror, even though very functional and handy, wouldn’t win any beauty awards. Like most items from IKEA, it is a very plain, simple design. Perfect for an IKEA hack. The mirror has a white wide flat frame, which makes the furniture perfect for decoupage.
I have Mod Podged a fabric mirror frame before but this time I wanted to use wallpaper. Wallpaper has an advantage over fabric it is designed to be wiped clean.

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Choosing The Wallpaper
The good and the bad thing about wallpaper is that there are so many different designs and colours to choose from. The choice can be a bit overwhelming.
To wallpaper furniture, you want to choose something with a smaller pattern. If the pattern is too big for the furniture you are going to cover you won’t be able to see it.
I find also busier patterns work well especially if you have any curves to wallpaper. With busy small patterns, it’s easy to hide joins if it’s difficult to match the wallpaper when going around corners.
Wallpaper comes in large rolls several meters long but when wallpapering furniture you tend to only need a couple of meters maximum. It’s worth looking on eBay for part rolls and wallpaper remnants to use, this will make the upcycle a lot more affordable.
However, if you do buy a full roll you can then use the remnants for other upcycles and crafts. For example, where the IKEA mirror hangs in the hallway there is a pendant lampshade. I will also wallpaper that lampshade to match the mirror.
What You Need To Wallpaper Furniture
- Wallpaper – A part roll is normally enough. The wallpaper I used for this IKEA mirror hack was a busy tropical print. It was called Reverie from the Albany Shangra La Range. I choose purple colourway.
- Wallpaper paste – a small packet will be more than enough.
- Ruler, rotary cutter, and mat
- Wallpaper paste brush

How To Wallpaper an IKEA Mirror Frame
This was a large piece of furniture to wallpaper so I did it in the garden where I had plenty of space.
1.. First, thoroughly clean the mirror frame. Then measure the width and length of the frame. I wanted the wallpaper to cover both the front and sides of the frame so I accounted for that in my measurements.
Also, as the back of the frame was not going to be visible, I allowed for some overlap of the wallpaper on the back of the frame.

2. The IKEA mirror frame was a rectangle with curved corners. The best way to cover the frame was to wallpaper it in four sections. Two long sections for the sides and then a top and bottom section.
Think about how you would like the wallpaper pattern to fit on the mirror frame before deciding where to cut the paper. Use a rotary cutter, ruler, and mat to make sure you have a straight cut.

3. Next, mix up the wallpaper paste according to the instructions on the packet. Then to help provide a key brush a layer of paste onto the frame and let it dry.
Then, coat the back of the wallpaper thoroughly with the wallpaper paste and let it soak in for a minute or so before applying it to the frame.

4. Apply the long side strips of wallpaper first to the mirror frame. The great thing about wallpaper you can move it around to position it into place before it dries.
As you lay the wallpaper down use a cloth to smooth it out flat on the front and around the edges. When you get to the top edge snip the wallpaper so that it is easier to fold it over the corner.

5. Next, wallpaper the top and bottom of the frame. Make sure the patterns match as much as possible.

Once the wallpaper has dried the mirror is ready to hang back on the wall. When wallpapering other pieces of furniture the method and principles are pretty much the same as it is for this mirror.

I’ve collected a round-up of other examples of how to wallpaper furniture. Hopefully, you will find one that will inspire you.
How To Wallpaper Furniture Ideas
Upcycling and transforming furniture with wallpaper is a cheap and easy way to get an on-trend designer look and to create a unique piece for your home. Here I have curated a collection of wallpaper furniture upcycles that will hopefully inspire you.
IKEA Hemnes Dresser Mid Century Modern Hack
This is an IKEA Hemmes hack. The whole transformation is wonderful, but the wallpaper on the sides matching the wallpaper on the walls is an extra special feature.
How To Use Wallpaper To Decoupage Table Top
If you have an old and worn out tabletop, consider wallpapering it for a fresh new look. If you varnish the paper the tabletop is surprisingly resilient. There is no need for a table cloth and you can always change the wallpaper when you want a new look.
Once More With Feeling: DIY Wallpapered Chest of Drawers
I love the tropical pattern of this wallpaper. The effect is like a mural on the front of the chest of drawers.
DIY wallpaper stools
Wallpaper is a great way to transform IKEA Bekvam stools, and add that pop of colour and pattern.
The Best Chalk Paint For A Unique Cupboard Upcycle
Wallpaper is a fabulous way to line furniture such as bookcases and cupboards.
DIY Ikea Drawers: How to Make Easy Rattan Drawers
Using the right kind of wallpaper gives these chest of drawers a rattan look.
How to Decoupage a Table with Wallpaper
I love the wallpaper on the base of this table.
Wardrobe Makeover with Wallpaper
A great tutorial on how to transform the inside of a wardrobe with wallpaper.
How to Decoupage Furniture
Another tabletop wallpaper decoupage. This one is done slightly differently to the other table featured here.
Upcycled vintage suitcase side table
The wallpaper doesn't always have to be on show. It can be a nice surprise like with the lining of this suitcase side table.
Drab To Fab Dresser
I love how the wallpaper runs like a stripe down the center of this wonderful piece.
Upcycling a trash can with wallpaper
Some might not consider a trashcan as an item of furniture. However, they may change their mind once they see what it looks like wallpapered.
Closet Makeover with Chalkboard Paint and Wallpaper
Wallpaper is a great way to update and transform those old closet doors.
How to Improve Furniture With Peel & Stick Wallpaper
Clever use of self-adhesive wallpaper to improve a homemade desk.

Check out these other fabulous IKEA mirror hacks. This mirror upcycle is featured in the A to Z of clever upcycling ideas and resources.
IKEA lamps are also great products to update. Here are 15 of the best IKEA lamp hacks.
Saturday 15th of August 2020
I love the wallpaper you chose with all those bold colors! It looks great on your mirror.
Claire Armstrong
Monday 17th of August 2020
Thank you, I love the tropical look and the fun animals in the print. It makes it interesting to look at.
Rebecca Payne
Thursday 13th of August 2020
I love all of these ideas. Great job.
Claire Armstrong
Thursday 13th of August 2020
Thank you so much Rebecca
Michelle Leslie
Tuesday 11th of August 2020
The wall paper you chose is GORGEOUS!!!! I'm not sure I'd put it on a wall, all though I'd love to try;-) but oh my goodness it's so perfect for making a boring mirror awesome.
Claire Armstrong
Wednesday 12th of August 2020
Thank you, I think it would look great on just one wall perhaps a feature wall. It is a fun print, my son used some to wallpaper his skateboard and that looked amazing.
Sunday 9th of August 2020
My teenage daughter is so crafty and she is going to love this mirror upcycle project. Thanks for tutorial on how to wallpaper on old mirror.
Claire Armstrong
Tuesday 11th of August 2020
Thank you, wallpaper is such a quick way to upcycle and there are so many fabulous designs to choose from.
Catherine Sokolowski
Friday 7th of August 2020
What a great idea! I love the way your mirror turned out. I like your other ideas too!
Claire Armstrong
Saturday 8th of August 2020
Thank you so much, the mirror does brighten up the hallway.