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How to Make Festive Upcycled Denim Bunting

Nothing makes a garden or patio look more ready for a party than bunting. I always associate bunting with summer fairs and garden parties.

I originally made this denim bunting a few years ago for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. We had a street party.

How to Make Patriotic Upcycled Bunting Two Different Ways

The upcycled denim bunting I originally made was Union Jack bunting, but as most of my blog audience is American, I’ve also made a Stars and Stripes version just for you! It was easy to adapt my flag bunting design from Union Jack to Stars and Stripes, as they are red, white, and blue.

So whether you’re celebrating the Queen’s Birthday, the latest Royal wedding, or the 4th of July, there is a bunting for you!

Upcycled Flag Denim Bunting

The bunting features in the A to Z of denim crafts.

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What you need to make your denim bunting

  • Old pair of jeans. I use the legs of the jeans, (so you can save the pockets to make a fabulous denim pocket organiser.)
  • Ribbon scraps: I keep all ribbon scraps from presents and packaging and have quite a collection, especially red ones from Valentine’s gifts. If you haven’t got any, you can normally buy a variety pack from your craft store.
Upcycled denim bunting 2 ways

Depending on how long you want your bunting will determine how many pairs of jeans and how much ribbon.

How to make your upcycled denim bunting

Step 1: Make a triangular cardboard template the size you want for your bunting. Use this template as a guide for cutting out your denim. Personally, I prefer to use a rotary cutter and board to cut my denim, but scissors are fine, just a bit slower. You will need 2 denim triangles for each piece of bunting, one for the front and the other for the back.

Step 2. Secondly, lay out your ribbon, depending on what flag you’re making. You can either sew your ribbon flag design to your denim triangles or, the easy option, glue them with fabric Mod Podge. Glueing instead of sewing does make your bunting a little stiffer, but this is no bad thing.

Step 3. I have two graphics to show you how to make your upcycled denim bunting: one for Union Jack bunting and one for Stars and Stripes bunting. They are practically the same, except for how you arrange the red and white ribbon.

You also note there are stars on the American bunting. I used a die to cut out these stars from some spare white ribbon. You can use a star stamp instead if you don’t have a die cutter.

Upcycled Denim bunting stars and stripes
Upcycled denim bunting Union jack

Step 4. After you have glued or sewn your ribbon pieces into place, get a blank triangle of denim and pin these two pieces right sides together. Sew around the sides, leaving the top open. Trim off any excess ribbon and turn right side out. You will need a pencil or something pointed to push out the tip of your triangle.

Step 5. To sew your denim bunting triangles together in a long garland, fold over your blue ribbon and pin this to the top of your triangle. Make sure that you place the denim in between the ribbon fold. Tfolds simply sew your denim bunting flags to the blue ribbon. All you need now is a party!

upcycled denim bunting in union jack and stars and stripes flag design
Upcycled denim bunting- Full tutorial including one for Stars and Stripes.

I first made my Union Jack denim bunting in 2012 for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee when we had a street party. I got it out again for the royal wedding in 2013. It’s been sitting in a drawer since then but will be back on display for the next Jubilee.

I’ve always thought that repurposed tea towels would make great bunting.

If you are looking for more upcycled denim projects check out my page.

4th of July Decor Crafts Roundup - Making It All Work

Friday 14th of May 2021

[…] Festive Upcycled Denim Bunting by Pillar Box Blue […]

Linda at Mixed Kreations

Sunday 9th of June 2019

Both of these are so cute, and I believe that they could be left hanging all year round.

Claire Armstrong

Monday 10th of June 2019

Thank you. I could leave them out but it’s kind of fun just getting it out for special occasions.

59 Crafty Patriotic Ideas for Your 4th July | Eclectic Chic Blog

Saturday 8th of June 2019

[…] Patriotic Upcycled Bunting from Pillar Box Blue is made using an old pair of blue jeans […]

15 DIY Patriotic Party Decorations to Light Up Your Summer | Parties365

Monday 20th of May 2019

[…] Festive Upcycled Denim Bunting by Pillar Box […]


Sunday 27th of May 2018

So much fun, you can keep this kind of bunting for ever and just whip it out for auspicious occasions! Did you watch the wedding last week? I loved it, watched the whole thing in my PJ's with tea and toast. Perfect!

Claire Armstrong

Sunday 27th of May 2018

Thank you. Yes I watch the whole thing whilst having a traditional English breakfast round a friend’s and I loved every minute of it.